How long the DCS community will accept this?
With yesterday's trailer and the recent statements on various topics related to current and future modules, coming from Nineline and Matt Wags, I thought a lot about the lack of coherence in how ED behaves, saying that "it can't do something due to lack of information" or "that the goal is to make it as real and accurate as possible" and then immediately saying that "people forget that this is just a game" and announcing that it will launch a fifth-generation fighter, with little information, based on "talks with pilots, videos and computer performance models", and still ignoring the reports of several USAF pilots saying that the F-16C still seems to behave inferiorly to the real model.
In addition, the community asks for improvements, in several points, and we are ignored or receive meaningless excuses. Maps that do not have modules for their main conflicts (South Atlantic) and modules that do not have a map where their most notorious clashes took place (Mig 15 x F-86 Korea - F-4 x Mig-21 Vietnam). Among hundreds of other things, such as the dynamic campaign and no one mentions an improvement in the combined arms module, which would greatly support this.
Anyway, there are many things and the monopoly of the company, the convenience and ignorance of some members of the community sink us into this state of acceptance of a company that simply seems to do "whatever it wants, however it wants, whenever it wants and without any direction".
That's what I wanted to talk about.