Daily drivers? I want to know what everyone runs in their day to day
Just curious what everyone's running as their main "daily driver" typical weapon for their fav builds.
I like commando and heavy guns (not a meta gamer but rather enjoy the aesthetics). For my commando build I swap between a Quad/Last Shot/Swift Railway named "Choo Choo" (a VERY unoriginal name lol), and a ArmorPen/Crippling/Lucky Fixer named Sneaky Beaky for if I want to be in my stealth armor. For my heavy build I use a AntiArmor/Vital/Swift Plasma Caster named after the "Smitty Special," and a yet-to-be-named Furious/Vital/VATSOpt Pepper Shaker I bought from a vendor for crippling bosses a while back.
I like hearing peoples legendary combos and build ideas so tell me what y'all are running :)