Do I need to play ds2 to enjoy ds3?

I have played Elden Ring (300+ hours) and really wanted to start the DS Trilogy. I recently beat DS1 and the DLC and absolutely LOVED it. I had my issues but DS1 hit me exactly the way Elden Ring did.

DS2, however, has sucked out all of that enjoyment. The fact I had to dedicate levels to gain I-frames has me annoyed, but my issue is the open areas. I can’t find any enjoyment in them. It feels like there’s significantly more “fuck you” gank spots than anything I’ve played before and It doesn’t feel good because not only do I lose souls, but I get punished by losing vigor as well. It’s making me feel like im getting punished for exploring the world instead of pushing straight to bosses.

I took a small break hoping it would help, but it has done nothing for my enjoyment of the game. Do i need to play this to fully enjoy DS3 or can I put it on the back burner for later?