Help please
Hi everyone, bought this cute lil pot month ago, but it's continuously withering, have been given it real nice sunlight, adequate water supply, then what's the issue? Idek what's the name of this plant, though it gives real nice white flowers when in bloom. It's my first time taking care of a plant, I'm already so much in love with this 😭 If you guys have any idea what I'm doing wrong, or how should I take better care of it, please lmk. It's just so sad to see my lil baby like this 🥹
Hi everyone, bought this cute lil pot month ago, but it's continuously withering, have been given it real nice sunlight, adequate water supply, then what's the issue? Idek what's the name of this plant, though it gives real nice white flowers when in bloom. It's my first time taking care of a plant, I'm already so much in love with this 😭 If you guys have any idea what I'm doing wrong, or how should I take better care of it, please lmk. It's just so sad to see my lil baby like this 🥹