My Generation Dissapoints Me

I am a part of Generation Alpha. The generation hit extremely hard by the Reverse Flynn effect. The stupidest generation. I hate my generation. Not to brag, but I achieve straight A's and my computer science teacher claimed I was a better proggrammer than them. I'm learning Japanese, and have a reading Lexile range of up to 1,500. (a.k.a, a really, really long book) Meanwhile, the other kids in my generation are accidentally calling their teacher "Alexa" instead of a much more understandable mistake of saying "Mom." There are many other kids like me who are very successful accedamically, and also very skilled. But there are these brain-rotted kids who drown out the voices of us, while also being the sheer cause of the word "Brainrot" to be voted the word of 2024. The adults are not helping either. They are choosing to focus on the "smarter" kids more than the brain-rotted ones, which is something I've witnessed first hand. They are also shoving iPads into 2 year old's faces instead of actually parenting them, or even giving them a book. Now, not everything a child does has to be educational. Sometimes, its fun to just play some random mobile games for a bit as a break. Because of the titles put on my generation from this, everytime I tell someone my age, they always assume I will be dumb, and tune me out, when I might have something important to say. All-in-all, the brain-rotted kids who can't read aren't being taught how, and because of that, they are less smart, and then there is a big title on my generation. People have got to do something, anything to help fix this. Sorry for the long rant, but it's been on my mind for forever.