Open reply to "Anyone thinking of leaving?"
Disclaimer: I don't want to discredit anyone's personal experience with having moved to Germany and/or struggling making a life for themselves in Germany.
There have been countless posts on r/Germany about how hard it is to immigrate to Germany, to learn the language, to make friends and acquaintances with locals, to feel at home here, and to generally just establish a life here. This is only the latest I have seen.
Don't get me wrong, I think these posts are important, if for no other reason than that they serve as a space for expats and/or immigrants to voice their many difficulties and frustrations. It's not easy to move to or settle in a foreign country, and it should be no surprise to anyone that this alone often leads to an abundance of difficulties and frustrations, sometimes even several years down the line.
But can everyone just please start including specifics when they voice said difficulties and/or frustrations? Can everyone please start being explicit about their personal circumstances and, more importantly, their expectations when they voice these things? A little self-reflection has also never hurt anyone.
For example:
- It makes no sense to complain about German strangers or acquaintances being unfriendly without also mentioning what sort of behaviour one is used to and/or expects.
- Describing German work culture as particularly rigid is useless without also accounting for the specific field one works in, how it is to work in that field in one's own culture, or touching on whether one's experience ay simply have somethign to do with the one specific employer.
- It's impossible to say why someone can't make friends without knowing what "friendship" means to them, what measures they have already takne to meet and continiously be around people, and why they think their attempts, if any, have failed so far.
I really like the idea of r/Germany as a source for help for expats/immigrants, and I have also personally found many helpful titbits here over the years. But it's virtually impossible for anyone to help anyone if the people who post here leave out all context that is not only relevant for factual questions but also emotional ones.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?
Edit: Just to clarify, I'm in no way suggesting that anyone should be forced to specify anything about themselves or their personal circumstances that they don't want to. I'm only saying that it's really hard to respond to generic posts about how shit Germany is without knowing any context.