Can I Get an IT Ausbildung in Germany While Applying from Outside?

Hi everyone,

I’m currently in my last year of high school in Egypt and I’m very interested in doing an Ausbildung as a Fachinformatiker for Application Development (Anwendungsentwicklung) in Germany. I’ve already built a strong background in programming—I work as a Full-Stack Developer (freelancer) and have built loads of big projects, and I also have experience in machine learning.

I speak English at B2 level and German at B2 level, and I am working on getting my Goethe and IELTS certificates.

I know that securing an Ausbildung mainly depends on getting an offer from a company, but I’m not sure if companies are open to hiring someone applying from outside the EU. Is it possible to get an Ausbildung in IT while applying from abroad? Do companies provide support for relocation, or is it usually expected that applicants are already in Germany?

If anyone has insights, experiences, or advice on how I should proceed, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks in advance!