Tier list of rage inducing cards (rotating only)

My tier list of cards that made me angy. Some explanations of controversial ones below. Also mc tech in the core set goes in the top tier couldn't help mentioning it.

If it was an archetype of combination of cards that was annoying i typically only rated one of the cards in the group (whichever one i hated most).

Feel free to ask questions or roast me.


Brann and bomboss- do I have to say?

Helya- plague dk as a whole so unfun to face and high rng frost plague drawn at the worst time is unbelievably annoying

Mech rogue cards- just so frustrating to verse + stealth and magnetic together was so toxic. This shit also was toxic with the doubling zilliax.

Yogg- so frustrating not just because of the steal, but combining that with random spell bs, even worse when 0 mana

Reska- need I say more 0 mana + deathrattle could go off multiple times AND not triple rune could be discovered.

Horn- bs card to give to classes that could buff their weapon shouldn't go face

Shroomscavate- what were they smoking giving paladin windfury

Silent alt f4- these cards created probably the most toxic archetypes ive ever seen. One stops you from playing minions at all while slowing prolonging your death the other has high roll otks as early as turn 4 with 0 interaction. Got so frequent and boring to face easier to close the game instead of facing them.

Flame revenant- hate cards that if u cant answer on turn 2 it feels like its over.

costume singer and sludge warlock- kinda just annoying to verse and got extremely repetitive.

Hidden meaning- stupid design 3 drop minion should absolutely not have charge.

Fizzle- infinite shenanigans so unecessary glad they nerfed- card felt like it needlessly prolonged game for no apparent reason??

Reno- I play reno myself so kinda hypocritical to hate him too much. Also nerfs made him much more tolerable.

Krutus- doesn't do enough damage to ever annoy anyone lol

Tony- didn't really plan during his time tbh