Battery Life Survey – How Long Does Yours Last? (iphone 12 ONLY)
Hey everyone, I’m curious about how long the iPhone 12 lasts for different people, especially as battery health declines. I’d love to compare results to see if mine is holding up well.
If you’re interested, please share your battery usage by following this format.
Here’s mine: • iOS version: 18.3 • Battery Health: 89% • Charge Level at Unplugging: 70% • Battery Level When Plugged Back In: 11% • Hours of usage: 7 (calculate the hours passed from the time you unplugged it to the time you plugged it back, don’t look at what your iPhone says in the settings)
I’m not interested in knowing the screen time as I think the average use of the phone is almost the same.
I won’t consider low battery health stats like 76% or less.
If you have and suggestions to improve the survey let me know. Unfortunately we cannot post images in this sub, it would’ve been easier.