What’s your relationship like with your father?

I’m a 25 year old guy. I used to have a good relationship with my father when I was a child. Somewhere after 8th-9th standard it seems to have slowly deteriorated and feels like nothing now. Maybe it was the poor health of my grandfather - who fell very sick when I was in 6th grade, after which his care took up almost the entirety of my parents’ time.

I remember my dad not really asking me what I’m doing / studying / etc. He always supported my financially but never was really “in” on what I was upto. After 12th when I moved away for college this became even less - he was always supportive or rather… he never had any issues with what I wanted to do in life, but no particular interest either. He’s a civil servant so the only time I remember him really taking interest is when I would talk about taking a chance on UPSC.

Anyway, I didn’t take that route and did my Masters instead and now living abroad but my relationship with him is even worse. He’s always busy with work, we barely talk. And when I’m on the phone with him it’s just awkward. I don’t know what to say to him and he doesn’t either. It’s like he has no interest in my life or wht I’m doing. I swear if i don’t make an effort, he’ll not say anything.