Anyone else refuse to use an alarm or calendar, favoring internal regulation?

This might sound a bit obscene, but I refused to use an alarm or calendar/planner/schedular. I manage all of that inside of my head. I know what time I will wake up and I make calculations before going to bed to determine certain thresholds as to what time I will sleep. I also manage not just daily schedules, but weekly, monthly, and in some cases yearly within my head. By this, I mean I have a constant calendar going in my head with immediate next actions. It's so in depth that it even accounts for the small things, like putting on shoes or opening specific doors.

I like to do things in the order I determined in my brain, too. For instance, in the shower I do, and always will do, the order of Shampoo -> Conditioner -> Face Wash -> Body Wash -> Extra(s). If I have to go through a series of doors, I will do it on the same path. I like the consistency, it makes me feel good.

I've gotten so efficient at it, that I have began doing things at exact times. I know that every morning I leave the shower at exactly 6:30am, where I proceed to dry off, brush my teeth, brush my hair, and then get dressed. I finish this routine at exactly 6:45am every day.

Though it's not just routines, it's everything. If I have a meeting or a class, I mark that at a certain time, I determine where I need to be and when in order to be there not just on time, but early. I use the early time to prepare whatever I may need.

So, I don't need to use a calendar and I don't need to use an alarm clock. It's best managed in my head. I don't forget, and I never need to worry about forgetting because I've never lost track of it. It's this constant object that rests within my head that I use to manage everything.