🎶in the arms of the angels…🎶

i’ve had this silly little Mini 2 since they came out in… idk, 2013? it’s been over a decade with her and today she’s finally triggered my last crash out. i was okay when my streaming apps like hulu stopped working. then my games went. and now… my youtube. i no longer have a use for this thing other than using safari to read book archives, but even then, i literally have the physical copies of the books lmao so it’s time to lay her to rest. not sure what i wanna do, if i wanna do anything. frisbee-throw her into a lake? maybe just put her in a box and leave her on someone’s doorstep? idk. ideas?

(obviously i’m joking with that last part. teehee)

but fr, rest in paradise to my ipad mini 2 🫶 she’s been with me for half of my life and i’m going to miss her