Planning to move to Kolkata…

I’m a student filmmaker doing my UG right now in a Tier-1 City. While living here, my social circle grew in such a way that 80% of it’s Bengali now. Thankfully, because of which I’ve been exposed to a lot of Bengali food and culture. Honestly, its the only culture I’ve felt so interested and curious about. Anywhow, that was a lil context. Now here’s the deal, I’m planning to take a year drop after I complete my degree. Just to figure out what next, up skill myself, focus more on my art, figure out things that actually matter. Of course I’ll keep working on the side as well. People who have lived in Kolkata in their 20’s/are navigating their twenties in the city, what do you think? How have your experiences been?

Logical, honest, blunt, philosophical, all opinions are welcome.