Battery degradation

Looking for others experience and or advice. I’ve come to the end of a 2 year lease of my 2020 e+ leaf and looking at paying off the balloon payment and owning the car as I love it so much. I’ve done 50k miles in it and it still has full bars of battery health. Only fast charged it twice in 2 years and slow charge at home. Live in uk so battery isn’t exposed to extreme temps often.

The only thing that is perhaps swinging me towards a younger car (which would obviously cost a lot more, just for less miles on the clock) is that if I buy mine, after 5 more years it’ll have done 100k miles. I’m not bothered about what it’s worth in terms of market value, but if I keep the car I want it to last a good 10 years.

I’m aware the bigger battery hasn’t been around for that long, but does anyone have any experience of how the battery degrades once over 100k miles.

For more info I drive roughly 30 miles a day but do like to use my leaf for some longer drives (150 miles) to visit family.

Thanks in advance!