How do you guys deal with extreme toxic behavior in low emerald/D4?

Today I played 10 games, 6 of them with the same exact thing happening but I will tell you about the worst case i've probably ever encountered in my life. So we are in the lobby and our jungler knows that our adc is at 10 loses streak and start saying to dodge or he wont win. picks teemo jungle. then the game starts we are 22 kills to 3 , the enemy team are just running it down. well the teemo start all chatting for 10 mins straight about how the enemy team is about to lose to our adc at 10 lose streak and that he doesnt deserve to win so he starts "soft inting" which cause a snowball effect and we end up losing the game. when the game was just free. I honestly dont understand people. those are human being that you can meet on the street after all. people are just like that ? I had 67% wr up until E2 but now its going downhill and i might get stuck for a while. not because this is hard. i find the game easy for me still. but because of how rude the mmr is on your account when you lose multiple games due to weird people. maybe i should not play at night ?