Copy users went from top to lowest.
If what happened or what was said in recent chapter is true, then jinyoung will be the weakest in his gang.
It doesn't look like he have his own path, so he's weaker than gapryong and elite(which was pretty obvious)
But he'll be weaker than tom too, because he have his own path.
Daniel was said to be the fastest learning character, but after recent chapter,
It was kinda said that he can't do &#!+ Being a copy cat.
Lol, ptj first gave copy users the best place in the series, then made them mid-tier fighters.
Great writting PTJ ððð
If what happened or what was said in recent chapter is true, then jinyoung will be the weakest in his gang.
It doesn't look like he have his own path, so he's weaker than gapryong and elite(which was pretty obvious)
But he'll be weaker than tom too, because he have his own path.
Daniel was said to be the fastest learning character, but after recent chapter,
It was kinda said that he can't do &#!+ Being a copy cat.
Lol, ptj first gave copy users the best place in the series, then made them mid-tier fighters.
Great writting PTJ ððð