Bring your own vinyl night
So I’ve been looking into BYOV nights in and around the city and it looks like a few bars outside of the centre do them but I’m hoping to start a bit of a community of music enthusiasts in a more chilled environment than a bar where alcohol is expected to be consumed. Location tbc.
I was wondering if people would be interested in getting a group chat going where people can make plans to meet up and share music? I love the idea of people bringing their favourite records together and bonding over the listening experience. I want it to be a super safe and relaxed space where drinking isn’t a requirement (but people can have a pint or two if they want). It could be a cool way to meet people and have a regular event in the calendar to look forward to.
If people are interested drop a comment below and I’ll gauge if the idea is a goer
EDIT: Looks like there is definitely an interest so I’ll start looking into chilled venues which are inclusive and won’t force drinking down your neck.
Thank you to people who have pointed out them some bars do it already. I’ll check to see what the vibe is of those places.