Random Unknown FB user sent me illicit images of my wife. I’m not sure what to think

My wife and I have been married for over 3 Years We have sent illicit photos back and forth for some time now (as all people do) and recently I got a FB message request from a person I did not know (and my wife claimed to not know). The message read: "Hi! I know you don't know me but I was wondering if (wife's name) is your wife?" Also, attached were two images. Facebook blurs the images but when I unblurred them, they were said illicit images that my wife had shared with me less than a week ago. The photos were an image of a phone of a snapchat thread showing the images. Also a snapchat friend profile showing images that were sent. Also, there was what looked like a male bitmoji that would be the receiver of the photos with black hair and a black goatee. l asked my wife if she knew the FB message sender, she said she didn't think so. When she looked at her Facebook profile, she felt like it was a bot. I said, yea, it looks that way.

I told her I had doubts. I kept wondering how this person got those pictures. She assured me that she never sent any pictures to anyone and that everything was fine. I thought I should go to the police, and she said she didnt want that. I wanted to call snapchat support because we were thinking she was hacked. She said she didn't want me to do that either. I asked her if the bitmoji looked like someone she knew. She said she didnt think so, but maybe it was an old coworker. She said she just wanted me to "drop it" and move on. But part of me wonders if she didn't want me to investigate because she was worried I would find something. She has had run ins with the police over sexual crimes committed against her before (before we met) and they have not been good ones. They seem to offer hope but do nothing. So I can understand her hesitation, but something felt different. I can't put my finger on if, but it felt like she was hiding something. I just hope I'm wrong. I pray I'm overreacting. I reported the Facebook account and that FB took action within 3 minutes of the report. I dont know what they did, but i can't find the profile anymore. I also can't find their instagram. I've tried to do research to see if similar situations have happened before, but i cant find a perfect one to one relationship. I didn't accept the FB user's message, i just reported it. My wife deleted her snapchat because she thought she was hacked. I just don't know the whole story and I am confused. Here is what I'm doing right now. Trusting my wife and not investigating. If she really did send nudes to someone else and that person's GF messaged me, and then their account got taken down, they probably will reach back out some other way. Other than that, I'm just hoping this blows over. If this is a scam, it is malicious and disgusting, as most scams are. But undermining my marriage is awful. It seems like a scam of some sorts because of how quickly FB reacted, but then again, how did anyone get these photos.

tl;dr An unknown woman sent me naked images of my wife that my wife had previously sent me. Wife denies knowing the person, and this person’s facebook and instagram were taken down after a report. My wife thinks she was hacked but doesn’t know for sure. I can’t help but wonder how this person got these images. I did not engage with the sender’s original message.