£178?!?!! For that?!!! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤮

The dress costs £178!!!!!! £178!!!! Jesus Christ! And she cringes at paying £28 for a bottle of special formula milk for her sick child, yet will spend £178 on a piece of feckin’ fabric for herself, probably made in the same sweat shop as the dresses you can get in Primark for £10.

Not only that, but it’s a bloody awful dress that only about 10% of women can truly look good in - Caz ain’t one of them. I honestly don’t know what she’s seeing in the mirror but she looked terrible. The M&S shoes were awful too. She truly has no style.

The dress costs £178!!!!!! £178!!!! Jesus Christ! And she cringes at paying £28 for a bottle of special formula milk for her sick child, yet will spend £178 on a piece of feckin’ fabric for herself, probably made in the same sweat shop as the dresses you can get in Primark for £10.

Not only that, but it’s a bloody awful dress that only about 10% of women can truly look good in - Caz ain’t one of them. I honestly don’t know what she’s seeing in the mirror but she looked terrible. The M&S shoes were awful too. She truly has no style.