How many paid promotions for refillable deodorant can one accept before you're just consuming the same amount of plastic as the disposable kind?
Obviously the purpose of these products is to only buy it once and then just refill the canister. But this is the second deodorant brand in a short time span she's shilled. 🤪 I'm just so tired of influencers and what they've become. I dream of a future where I don't consume ads for all of my waking hours. These companies only care about money which is why 1) this deodorant brand doesn't actually want you to buy less plastic, hence releasing new colors constantly, it's just greenwashing, and 2) they will work with horrible people unless it starts affecting their bottom line.
Obviously the purpose of these products is to only buy it once and then just refill the canister. But this is the second deodorant brand in a short time span she's shilled. 🤪 I'm just so tired of influencers and what they've become. I dream of a future where I don't consume ads for all of my waking hours. These companies only care about money which is why 1) this deodorant brand doesn't actually want you to buy less plastic, hence releasing new colors constantly, it's just greenwashing, and 2) they will work with horrible people unless it starts affecting their bottom line.