Nikocado exposes himself

can anyone come up with a compilation of all the times that he openly said what he was doing, with this being a social experiment? do you guys believe him or think he lost the weight and is jus trying to justify his poor actions the last 8 years? i honestly think what he did is peak performance art. truly, an artist of modern times, the emotional rollercoaster he took all his viewers through, i almost wish i had been one of them. i'm interested in how his viewers took this? are you guys happy? proud? feel deceived? sad he won't be making more videos like his old fat stupid self? i'm asking about videos like this where he literally tells everyone what he's doing. when was the first time he's done this and how many times has he told people?i obviously understand why people didn't believe him when he said this but it really is what i think modern/performance art should be.