Am I out of line wanting my charge/manager to check with me and make sure I’m ok having an orientee on call with me?
Am I out of line wanting my charge/manager to check with me to see if I’m ok with having an orientee on call?
For context: this particular employee has been a concern for the whole time she has been working. She’s very unsafe. Many staff members have expressed safety concerns with her practices and it has fallen on deaf ears from management. Against the recommendations of staff she’s been let off orientation during the day, but is still on buddy call. Management is wanting me to be hands off and let her take the primary role and I’m far from comfortable with that.
They never tell the staff when she’s on buddy call. They give her the calendar and let her pick and chose the dates she wants.
So am I out of line wanting them to make sure I’m ok with her being on call with me? I’m not her regular preceptor and I also believe she’s truly unsafe.
Edit: adding context. We are cath lab nurses. The buddy call is for STEMI call. Also, she’s been on orientation for coming up on a year, before my manager decided she’s on her own during the day. Also, she supposedly came to us with 20 years of cath lab experience…