Games you are afraid to replay because you cherish too much your last experience?
As with many things in life I find that some games - especially the large, engrossing ones that involve a lot of emotional attachment and immersion -- are somewhat "fragile" to replay.
My perfect personal example is the Elder Scrolls games. All my childhood I played them sparingly, never managing to finish or exhaust them, not fully understanding or being able to concentrate on finishing them. Several years ago, having developed a 'completionist' mindset, I wenth through all three of them (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim) across 2 years in a very expansive and rewarding set of playthroughts; fully modded, and all that.
I'm sometimes itching to replay them but I have so fonds memories and an overflow of thankfulness for those experiences and periods of time in which I had the time and mental capacity to immerse fully -- that now I believe I would rather tarnish it.
Does any game make you feel this way?