Are Pisces usually loners or should I seek therapy?

I love my alone time so much I pretty much ended up isolating myself from a lot of friendships that required meeting up for lunch everyday and clubbing every weekend to stay alive. I used to tolerate clubs and parties for the sake of my social life but ever since I was a teen I always had that "I wanna go home" feeling from the moment I stepped into a crowded place. I loved just being in my room, listening to music in my own world. I'm also an artist and spend hours painting so maybe that explains some of it?

I'm not an introvert at all, I talk to strangers all the time and love a good conversation. I make new friends easily and I've always been told I'm the funniest person to talk to because I'm quite expressive and a good story teller. It's a very odd feeling because I'm an extrovert but at the same time I feel drained after being around people.

Are Pisces usually ok with being alone? I feel like we're painted as overly emotional, clingy and needy but I don't even answer calls if I don't feel like it's important because small talk feels like a drag.

I love a good weekend plan with old friends and love to spend time with my family but in the general sense but I'd much rather sit alone in silence than to entertain shallow friendships or going out just for the sake of it.

I also need to have breakfast alone in silence because people talking to me in the morning gets me in a bad mood. I love watching TV alone without anyone asking questions. It probably sounds like I hate relationships but I do eventually want to get married. I started dating boys since I was like 12 lol. I've been in 3 adult long term relationships so I don't have any issues forming deep bonds. EVERY single relationship has been long distance, though. They all lived at least 2-4 hours away from me. I would see them twice a week or during weekends at most. One of them lived in Miami (I live outside the US) and I'd see him once a month. I wonder if my constant need for space made me actively choose relationships with people I couldn't see everyday. The guys I dated from my city never worked out for some reason.

I also don't see myself having kids because my peace would be completely disrupted. Being a mother was actually one of my biggest dreams for so long but now that I'm 28 and I've thought about it deeper, my desire for peace is so much bigger than anything else. This is what worries me the most because most men want a family and I'll probably have a hard time finding one that doesn't. Deep down I do want children but it pains me to think my personality might make me a distant, bad parent.

Should I go to therapy? Is this normal Pisces behavior or is something wrong with me?