not the best holiday present
My husband and I went into our 6 week ultrasound yesterday 12/23 and there was a sac but no embryo. I am trying to stay positive as my doctor did mention we could have just went in to early but my mind keeps telling me it will be a anembryonic pregnancy. The doctor did say not to give up hope but it will be a 50,50 shot.
Just some background this is my first pregnancy with my husband.
For me the timing is terrible, it the week of Christmas and we were hoping to tell our family’s this week. I have to still act pregnant since I am (not drink, eat special foods etc.). I am going to try to stay as positive as possible but I definitely won’t be the cheeriest during Christmas.
Any help/advice from anyone who has been through something similar would be appreciated. I feel like I am on the brink of tears all day and will be an anxious mess until we have our follow up in two weeks.