6wks - intermittent mild cramps, brown/pink discharge, lack of symptoms.

Hi all, I’m looking for advice. I am experiencing some alarming symptoms. I’m getting brown/pink discharge. It started very very mild, 1 wipe of the brown discharge then nothing for the rest of the day. Then gradually increased in the last 3 days. This morning there was a tinge of stringy blood. It is not filling my panty liner; but it does transfer into. Additionally, everytime I’ve gone to the bathroom , the discharge is visible on the toilet paper. I’m getting intermittent cramps, much like period cramps, but do not last long (feels like those cramps that make you need to poop 😅). Should I be alarmed? My boobs have become less sore, I haven’t experienced any nausea, but I do notice I am less hungry lately. Am I on the path of miscarrying? Is this normal? I have an appointment in 2 days. But, I just would like to hear your stories and advice if possible :) thank you! 🙏🏻

Update: Cramps & bleeding got really intense, called my advice nurse, was told to go to ER. They took my blood test, read 55 Miu/ML which is really low. Everything was inconclusive. But my guess is I’m having a miscarriage. Feeling really low energy. Tomorrow I go in for another HCG blood test and whatever else they want to go to confirm a diagnosis.