My anxiety is through the roof 😅
I’m 7 weeks and feel pregnant but don’t feel pregnant, if that makes sense? I don’t have the typical pregnancy symptoms (yet?) besides feeling SO exhausted and could eat forever. My fiancé is supportive but it’s driving me crazy when I mention that I’m taking a nap/sleeping in because I’m so tired and he asks “Why are you tired?”. I’m growing a child that’s why I’m tired 😒 I can’t get the thought out of my head that I shouldn’t get too excited because what if a miscarriage happens? It makes me feel guilty for thinking about all of the things that can go wrong. My approximate due date is August 2025 and I’m getting married in April of 2026. Dress shopping is put off because I have no idea how my body will change and this is wasn’t expected. I’m feeling so many different emotions 😭