I really don't want to be induced
I went for my second fetal growth scan (2 in 4 weeks) as my baby is measuring on the large side, 89th percentile.
I've had a complicated pregnancy with 8+ fibriods being discovered at my first scan, the smallest of which is currently measuring 10cm, largest is 20cm.
I have hypertension and at today's appointment the Obstetrician wanted to keep me in hospital overnight due to my bp being elevated. I really didn't want to so after a medication change, bp recheck and blood test they let me go home and I have appointment first thing tomorrow morning.
During the appointment the doctor said they will be inducing me at 37 weeks due to size and bp etc, but everything i have read indicates inductions are more painful and difficult labours? And less/no oxytocin is released due to the IV drip meds cancelling the natural hormones out?
If this is the safest way for my baby I'll absolutely do it, but my antenatal class teacher (also a midwife) said doctors are always quick to jump to medical induction, and it really is better to try and go for natural if possible. Has anyone else had any experience with this? Has anyone had an induced labour and a natural labour for comparison?
Thank you in advance for any advice, I'm trying to stay calm and not raise my bp anymore than it already is!