Who do these people think they are???
I just found out the gender of our baby last week and it’s a boy! We had lists of our top names so my boyfriend and I finally decided on August Kelly. Kelly is my boyfriend’s middle name and I’m due in August and I just really like the name August. I don’t know why I thought to do this but I told my family. lol. And the amount of people like “August”??? Like yeah that’s what I just said. My mom even texted me and said “what about Dakota??” Like why would someone think that’s appropriate lol. When my brother had my nephew I wasn’t crazy about his name but it’s not my kid so I said “oh my gosh that awesome I’m so happy for you!” Because honestly if it’s not your kid you have no right to suggest other names like that’s so infuriating to me. Just ranting, thanks for listening 😂