I (21F) disagree with my boyfriend’s (22M) pro-white views

My boyfriend (white 22y/o) and I (asian 21y/o) have been dating for over two years and live together. We have disagreed over some social issues, especially because he is a Trump supporting conservative and I am not..

But I feel like I have been blindsided because he did not reveal his true opinions until around a year of dating.

Tonight, he told me that he truly feels like the media is all leftist brainwashed, propaganda. He even thinks Donald Trump is considered a moderate, not full-on republican enough for him. He says in order for this country to be fixed, America should go back to the way it was back when it was founded.. which he argues is the identity of white, Christian values. He thinks it is a problem that white people might become the minority in their own country and if this were happening somewhere like Japan, he would be advocating for Japan as well. He believes in a strong immigration policy to not let in people who don’t align with American views such as Muslims.

He is diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder, which may be why he was a victim complex because he has expressed multiple times that white people are very oppressed in America and as a white male, he is oppressed.

Other than our debates with politics, we align well in every other aspect and I do love him but these talks have gotten so draining. And I feel like he has gone off the deep end… I tried telling him that if we avoid the topic altogether, maybe it will work out. I feel helpless at this point.

Could I make this relationship work? Is there a way to come to terms with this?

Any advice would be amazing.

TL;DR — My boyfriend (white 22y/o) and I (asian 21y/o) have dated for 2 years. He’s a conservative Trump supporter who believes white men are oppressed in today’s society and wants America to keep its white, Christian culture. He is diagnosed with NPD. I love him very much but don’t know what to do at this point.