Mistakes I think production has made
First and foremost, Teresa NEVER should've been made the center of the show. She was perfect as a background character, as her antics were endearing until we got a full look behind the curtain and realized she's truly a garbage human being that has become extremely hard to watch.
They shouldn't have let Dina go. Yes I understand she wasn't totally willing to continue, but Dina clearly is motivated by money (no shade I love her) so I'm sure Bravo could've named the right price. They either should've gotten rid of Caroline and Jacqueline way sooner and brought Dolores on so we could've seen the dynamic between her, Dina, and Teresa play out. Or they should've centered the show around the Manzo family drama. I think it would've been much more interesting than the Gorga/Guidice drama, and honestly it probably would've been easier to move on from as a main theme because Caroline and/or Jacqueline were easily replaceable after a few seasons.
Speaking of the Gorga/Guidice drama, I think this was a massive mistake. I'm not saying Joe and Melissa shouldn't have come on the show, but production shouldn't have centered the show around their problems for more than 2 seasons max because it was obvious they were NEVER going to be solved. There's been no resolution that us as viewers can move on from, evidenced by the fact that we're still seeing their BS 10 years later. They should've gotten rid of either Melissa or Teresa after season 7.
Lastly, I will never understand why the brought Danielle Staub back 😂 it was so random, and just served as confirmation she is still absolutely insane lol