The Search For Meaning

Hello everyone. This semester at college, I decided to enroll into a class studying world religions. The professor has been quite impressed with my views and many questions, much of which if I'm honest is just me parroting Sam. I'd say I call myself religious, Christian specifically. If you ask how I'm able to be religious and retain a logical mind and curiosity about science I would say that I've tried staunchly rejecting religion and going without.

I'm aware that Sam has many times spoken of spirituality without religion but it doesn't seem to make sense to me. His entire argument rests on the dharma, and somehow I find myself not "filled" with meaning, which i think gives strength to religion. That search for meaning I'm not sure fits with atheism. If there is no God is there no meaning, and is it our job to find meaning in whatever aspects of life we gravitate to? Is that meaning real if we just conjure it from thin air?

I've gone to private religious institutions in MA all my life, I was taught Sciences, We never focussed much at all on the old testament nor did we occupy our time revelations. I would say 90% of my Catholic education was a focus on living like Christ and recognizing that we can never be perfect. I would like to know is it worth it for me still to try to cast religion aside or can I continue on the path on which I'm set?