Does anyone else feel like Star Wars has ruined space combat?
Before and shortly after the original trilogy it seemed like most people all had unique visions and ideas for how combat in space could look, including George Lucas. He chose to take inspiration from WW2 but you also have other series that predate Star Wars like Star Trek where space combat is a battle between shields and phasers. But then it seems like after Star Wars took off everyone has just stopped coming up with unique ideas for space combat and just copied it. A glance at any movie from like the 90s onwards proves my point. Independence Day, the MCU and those are just the ones I can think of right now.
It’s honestly a shame since I feel there’s still tons of cool ideas that have gone untouched. Like what if capital ships weren’t like seagoing vessels but gigantic airplanes? With cramped interiors, little privacy and only a few windows like a B-52 or B-36. Or instead you had it the other way around and fighters were like small boats. Going at eachother and larger ships with turreted guns and missiles.