How can I stop craving a relationship and learn to enjoy being single?

For those of you who have been single for years, how do you do it? How do you find fullfilment without having someone special to talk to?

I’m 25F, and I haven’t been in a relationship for the past few months after ending a situationship. Looking back, I realize that I've struggle just being single, I always find myself looking for someone to talk to. It often starts as casual conversations, then feelings develop, we go on dates and when I finally ask where things are going, the answer is always, "I'm not ready for a relationship". This has happened multiple times, and I'm so damn tired of repeating the same cycle. It leaves me questioning my worth "Am I not enough to be loved?", "What's wrong with me?", "Am I not worthy of being someone's girlfriend?"

I know that the attractiveness ain't the issue, my friends and coworkers often say I'm physically attractive. As for my personality, I don’t think that’s the issue as well. I’m surrounded by caring and loving people in my life. I also have no trouble maintaining friendships for years. Still, I find myself constantly looking for a relationship, even tho I'm aware that it shouldn't be my priority rn. I need to focus on finishing my degree and securing a stable job.

But recently, I’ve realized that my constant search for a relationship is actually a coping mechanism, a way to escape my financial struggles and family issues.

Thinking about my family situation stresses me out immensely. I’m juggling college and work simultaneously, paying for my own tuition, and supporting my family financially since I graduated from school. My father, unfortunately, has never been the kind of supportive parent I needed, emotionally supportive of appreciative of my efforts, despite everything I've sacrificed.

I need to break free from this pattern, but I don't know how. How do you truly embrace being single without constantly yearning for a relationship?