Why are Shojo mangas usually adapted into Live-action more (and their reception is usually good), whereas Shonens and Seinens tend to get anime adaptations more (and if they do get live-action adaptations, their reception is usually not that good)?

Not sure if it is only me, but I have noticed that many Shojo mangas (like Kinkyouri Renai, Senpai to Kanojo and An Incurable Case of Love ) tend to get live-action adaptations (which usually has fair reception) instead of anime adaptations more compared to Shonen and Seinen manga (which tends to get anime adaptations more) and that Shojo live actions tend to have good reception in contrast with Shonen and Seinen live-action adaptations that usually got 'destroyed' by their live-action versions (maybe other than Rurouni Kenshin and Gokushufudo)......