Tell me your experience with transition out of swaddle

Hello, we plan to transition our LO out of the swaddle in the next month or so. He's 8 weeks old. We double swaddle with Muslim cloth and the Halo Velcro swaddle. He sleeps very well in it. We got at least 6-7hrs stretches at night, so I'm a bit scared to transition him out

He used to be able to escape it with just the Halo swaddle. So double swaddle works!

No sign of rolling yet. Here is my research, tell me what works best for you and how you transition to sleep sack:

  • Halo swaddle with one arm out, then both arms out
  • Zippadee
  • Love to Dream
  • Merlin Suit. Although we're a bit skeptical because weighted swaddle is not recommended by AAP