I really disliked Season 2 because it felt nonsensical, lacked suspense, and revolved around an almost impossible and illogical goal. I’d like to invite discussion on these points from my list below:
- The Recruiter Game: Why would the protagonist willingly play the game with the recruiter and risk dying, instead of torturing him to extract information and still obtaining the invitation card? Was it out of ego or some misplaced desire to win fairly? It just seemed like a foolish choice to me.
- Tracker Oversight: The idea that the protagonist thought the game organizers wouldn’t check him for trackers was absurd, especially since they literally put one on participants during the first game. That level of overconfidence felt unearned and careless.
- Infiltration Awareness: Entering the game again, the protagonist already knows from the first season that people can infiltrate the party, as was the case with Number 1. Yet, he didn’t seem to consider this possibility at all. Why wouldn’t he think the same might happen again?
- Lack of Safety Measures: During chaotic moments in the dormitory, why didn’t the game organizers have a gas system or some other measure to make everyone sleep and restore order? That seems like a basic protocol for such scenarios, as seen in similar series like The Platform or other shows with survival games.
- The Final Scene: The last scene felt ridiculous and unnecessarily drawn out. It turned into something akin to Call of Duty, with random individuals somehow taking out numerous highly trained squad members. Are we supposed to believe that a group of people with far less experience could pull this off, even if the masks hindered vision?
- External POVs: The subplot involving the professional military operative searching for the island was tedious and uninspired. The dialogues were boring, and there was zero suspense. It felt like a complete waste of time and added nothing meaningful to the main story.
- Missed Opportunity to Corrupt Votes: Why didn’t the protagonist try to corrupt the remaining players during the voting phase? He could’ve promised them part of his winnings paying off their debts and even offering a bonus if they agreed to vote for leaving the game. Instead, he just hoped they’d change their minds at the last second, which seemed naïve and shortsighted.
Overall, while I enjoyed the first season, Season 2 felt like a massive letdown. These plot holes and illogical decisions overshadowed the suspense and excitement that made the first season so compelling. This is just my opinion, though, and I’d love to hear what others think!