Helped an elderly couple to withdraw money from the atm . Would this potentially lead to some problems ?

So i was at the atm today and once i was done with my work and stepped outside an older couple in 50s or 50s approached me and asked me whether i could help them with the atm to withdraw money . Me being the dumbass mother teresa said yes . So they came inside and i taught them how to use the atm . I put the card inside and made the woman put on her pin while i looked away and i continued with the rest of the procedure while teaching them how to do it . They wanted me to check the balance before withdrawing money and told me to withdraw a certain amount . I did and once the technical part is done i told them to take the card and money once it comes out and they did and thanked me .

I know i did a dumb thing by helping strangers in a heartbeat when i could have lead them to be helped by the bank management or customer service . But my mom herself was barely able to learn the atm process so that's why i helped them . Now i am worried that would this lead for me to facing some problems cuz the doubts and odds are popping up on my mind right now . Like , what if the card is stolen ? What if they want to frame me for something ? Etc . But they were next to me through the whole process and i didn't touch money , only the card to put it inside of the atm . Plus the cctv was there

I am worried right now . Would this lead to any problems ?? Its sad that we have come to a point where that we would have to worry about helping someone 🤦🏿‍♂️