What are some quality clothing options we have in SL for men? When I say quality, I mean products made with good materials, fits well & lasts at least a year or two. Not these fast fashion brands made with synthetic materials & only lasts for weeks.
There are more shops for women than men here. For men when it comes to good quality clothes we are limited to only few imported brands like USPA, Levi’s, Crocodile, etc. they too don’t offer much value for money, they are priced very high here compared to other countries.
The popular local brands like FOA, Caranage, Pepper ST, etc. are fast fashion and far from high quality. They make clothes in polyester, unisex fits, etc. they are just fooling the people with branding & marketing.
What are some good local brands that offer quality clothes, made with more than 90% cotton, stitched well without loose threads, fits well & lasts long?