Couple hours post op!
I’d love to give y’all an in depth breakdown of my day, but tbh I was riddled with anxiety (never been under anesthesia and it totally freaks me out) and there was so much going on. I don’t remember a ton of detail but I’ll do my best!
My appointment was at 10:30 and I got called in right on time to give a urine sample and get changed. They sat my down and put this warm blanket thing called an bair hugger on me, and slowly more people kept coming in to introduce themselves and tell me their roles. Everyone was so friendly and sweet! I’d already met my surgeon but I absolutely love her, she’s the best. I kept going between really excited with a big smile, to crying and freaking out about the anesthesia, but all the lovely people put me at least a little at ease.
They were finishing up another surgery a little after 11 and had to clean the room, so I think they brought me back around 12 and got me strapped into the table. And I really started freaking out a bit more here. They put a mask over my face for oxygen, put something in the IV and I’m sure they told me what it was but I was too anxious and didn’t really catch it, and my surgeon I think realized I was freaking out and crying a little so she asked if I wanted her to hold me hand. I said yes!!! So sweet.
I don’t even think they told me to count to 10 like they tell most people? Again I may have just been freaking out and don’t remember but I suddenly woke up in a bed in another room in recovery. The surgeon spoke with my bf before I woke up and said the surgery only took about 15 minutes! She said my anatomy was great and it was really easy for her lol. But I think I was probably out for about 2 hours. I slowly started waking up but was still very sleepy and kind of in and out, and occasionally nurses would come ask how I was doing, someone asked how the pain was and gave me some meds. Then another nurse came and asked if I wanted a drink and snack so she brought me ginger ale and graham crackers. I left the hospital around 3.
Right now I feel pretty good. May be the pain meds, but I haven’t had issues burning while peeing, I have a little of the pain in the shoulders some people describe but a heating pad is helping, and my throat is just a little scratchy. Surgery spot isn’t too bad right now and I’m moving around okay but again I’m sure the meds are helping a lot so we’ll see how I feel over the next couple days.
I’m so relieved this is done, and I’m so thankful I had an amazing surgeon that I trust 100% and great team overall. Yay!!