What is the objectively quietest 9mm suppressor for a 9mm PCC? Price is no object. I'm not looking the best value, I'm looking for quietest.
With due respect, most other threads asking similar questions are full of people recommending the single can they own, which is great, I'm glad you're happy with it, but it doesn't say anything about HOW quiet it is compared to other suppressors.
I'm aware of the PEW science suppressor rankings, which are great, but they only have a handful of cans listed for 9mm PCC (listed in order of suppression performance (best at the top):
- GSL: Phoenix
- Otter Creek Labs: Lithium
- Resilient Suppressors: RS9
Some questions:
- How translatable are the 9mm pistol rankings to performance on a PCC?
- Are there other resources that have done decibel comparisons between other cans that are not listed on PEW science (e.g., YHM R9)?
- Where can you even get a CAT MOB suppressor? Every store is out of stock.
- Are there even more niche manufacturers or high end options that are not widely available that have even better performance? Again, price is not an object.