We Want Climate Justice! Guide (2021 Germany)
Play as Robert Habeck. You should also win decisively with this.
- We need to put climate change into the center of every politic. We support „Fridays For Future“ – they want an awakening, because they know, this is about the future of all of us. Let's stand with them in the streets, protesting for a cleaner and safer tomorrow. And this is only the beginning.
- Since the beginning of the pandemic, there hasn’t been enough of a focus on children and families. We need to build the circumstances to return to regular schooling, we need tests in daycares and schools, as well as fight the lack of teachers. There has to be an educational package for all kids in this country.
- Friday for Future is capable of mobilizing a massive amount of people. We need to restart the “climate summer” and focus media attention on the environmentalist movement. I will visit some demonstrations and meet with the FFF-leadership to get them on our side (Hire Anna Peters)
- This isn’t just about the election Annalena, but also about leading a cabinet, a government, a country! In Schleswig-Holstein, I’ve practically advanced the ecological transformation of our economy. I’ve walked the walk in numerous coalition talks, successfully. You are a capable woman, and you’re of course going to get a post, but this chancellor thing, you need to know your way around the executive. (Hire Annalena Baerbock)
- We need a livable future for our country. We need the whole arsenal of politics, not just a higher price for Co², to fulfill this gigantic transformatory task of stopping climate change. We have to become completely climate neutral over the next 20 years. If we protect the climate, we're protecting ourselves: and I am running to do just that.
- We need to improve our organizational capacities, particularly to get our youth base to the polls. By investing into smart marketing tactics and forging further connections we could improve our outreach while simultaneously energizing young voters, with an enthusiasm unseen in past elections
- We don’t want to rock the boat here. Let’s let Annalena make some statements, she’s the foreign policy expert. I just want to reaffirm our commitment to NATO while emphasizing that wars can only be solved diplomatically
- There’s no way around it - Germany is an immigration country. We need a comprehensive overhaul of our immigration laws - we don’t have a good system in place to attract qualified immigrants, who could be advantageous to our economy and demographic situation.
- This decision isn't just about the numbers. It's about a categorical shift in our understanding of politics - the courts' explanation was built not on environmentalism, but on Freedom. If you protect the climate, you protect freedoms. It's not just about free markets versus rules - It is rules and guidelines which make us free in the first place! On these grounds, we need to readjust our climate policy together.
- Annalena and I are co-party leaders and she will play a crucial part in this campaign. I want to campaign more frequently on her side, with her being our main voice on foreign policy and similar matters
- At the end of the day, traffic must be completely free of emissions. “Freedom through the car” is an illusion that we’re still living today - instead, we need to look towards collective methods of transport. Gas prices will have to rise around 28 cents, and in individual cities, a City-road-toll could be useful. Buses and trains are where our future lies.
- We need to replace the Hartz IV-system with a “citizen’s money”, in which recipients would receive at least 50€ more. There should be no more sanctions if someone isn’t actively looking for a job, and there will be other reliefs, in the form of price caps on gas and electrical energy.
- I think the people are tired of politics-as-usual, especially after 16 years of Merkel. I will run on an optimistic take - “Germany can do so much more”. Let’s stand by our stances and campaign on the issues without getting intimidated - ignore the mudslinging, and trust in our sympathy levels.
- Germany is abhorrently underdigitalized. Digitalization must be organized from the top- we want to enshrine a steadfast right to a fast internet connection and introduce significant investments, which the current government has slept on. However, I believe a dedicated ministry would hamper these efforts, through bureaucratic red tape.
- When I was minister in Schleswig-Holstein, I talked with everyone, even with people who would never vote Green. We should listen more, what stories are there in our society, what kind of experiences move the people? That’s where we have to connect.
- A tempo limit of 130 km/h will be one of the first measures of my administration. Even the ADAC is for one. Who is even arguing against it at this point? We have to hit our emission targets somehow and reducing traffic emissions is one part of that
- It's clear that the current system is unsafe. We should build on our public pension system, reform the Riester-system, and refrain from raising the pension age any further than 67! We also need to introduce a higher state-provided minimum pension to fight old-age poverty.
- Annalena Baerbock has already admitted that these were mistakes, and of course they were regrettable. However, now that everything is in order, we shouldn’t be distracted from more important topics. We need to talk about the policies!
- The situation is tense. It’s clear that action is needed in the form of rent controls. A sharper, unlimited federal rent control program should be introduced. In places where the situation is very problematic, we stand for a rent moratorium.
- Of course, I want to travel there, talk to affected people and show myself as a man of action. We need to listen to the people and help out with the cleanup - when disaster strikes, a chancellor should be there for the people.
- The increase of extreme weather events shows that the climate is getting warmer. Everything will get more extreme. Not just in the interest of coming generations, but on our own, we finally need to act on climate change. This is about a fundamental change in our course.
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- Me and Annalena are a team, and over the next weeks, I want to campaign as such. I’m going to visit her in her district in Potsdam, and I’m going to invite her back home to Schleswig-Holstein, where we’ll embark on a grand tour of Northern Germany.
- Reason and freedom have to prevail, but we have to take the vaccines to the people, not the other way around. We should make it easier for mobile vaccination teams to vaccinate in front of the Aldi, the mosque or on the market place. Language- and information barriers have to be reduced more effectively.
- Legalize it! We are for permitting the controlled distribution of Cannabis, through regulated sales in licenced shops. We do need projects to prevent drug abuse and youth protection though, financed through consumption taxes, as well as a legal framework around marihuana usage.
- It’s a good sign for us that the SPD is down in polls - but they’re still a formidable voting block. Their voters should be easiest to win over - let’s target them specifically by emphasizing our socio-economic program and consolidate the center-left around us.
- To finance necessary government spending, taxes on the rich have to be raised. We should reinstate the wealth tax and raise taxes on ecological grounds. However, no money that is earned by the state should be kept, it should be given back to the people. With richer people having a higher ecological footprint, the money gets redistributed to the poor. This is how we can balance the social impact of our reforms in our system.
- The CDU is slowing down at every corner, with topics that would find societal majorities. There are no answers that could come close to the urgency of the tasks ahead. While we definitely advocate for a stricter line on climate change, the party we have the most overlap with is the SPD. In the end, maybe it’ll even be enough for an alliance solely between Green and Red.
- We need to immediately strike § 218 and $ 219 - instead, the right to free, simple and accessible abortions has to be guaranteed; state-built hospitals should be required to perform the procedure. Furthermore, with contraceptives ensuring the right for self-determination, they should be fully covered by insurance.
- (One answer)
- Something that poignantly showcased the lack of responsibility in this debacle is that everyone’s pointing fingers again. No one is in need of such an administration. Our soldiers have done their job, now, we need to do everything we can to bring them and their helpers to safety. We can not let them down, the clock is ticking.
- I will leave petty attacks to my opponents and focus more on policy. I’m certain the German people will appreciate hearing concrete solutions to their problems more than attacks. This isn’t America.
- The CDU/CSU has been in government for 16 years, the SPD for 8. A “back to normality” isn’t a desirable outcome - The Greens are designing politics beyond the Status Quo, we aren’t just administrators of standstill. If you vote for a Green chancellorship, you know things will change: we’ll give our society back its confidence and ability to act.
- (4532, though it really doesn't matter)
- Luisa Neubauer, the famous Fridays For Future activist, is a member of our party, but she’s been inactive. Maybe we can change that - I want to ask her to appear with us, in an official statement of support. I want to speak to the German youth that brought us where we are today, in some rallies all across Germany’s cities.