Asymmetrical Tonsil

I posted a few days ago, but ENT was useless, and I will see another one next week. I can't see any stones, but my one tonsil on the right is way more significant (where the stones have been forming), and I am in lots of pain. I was advised to use hydrogen peroxide, but all it did was make my tongue look more white, and the ENT wouldn't do anything about it. I haven't seen stones since using the syringe to clean out the crypt on the R but I can't shake that the little white dot under the crypt is a sign of infection or pus. The other tonsil doesn't have it. The right side of my head hurts, chest and shoulder area. The ent said by using the nasal camera theres nothing wrong but an angry tonsil and it could just be like that forever? Like i do not want to be in pain forever and he said i do not need surgery and just by looking at it, its not cancer. Its been way bigger for months now. How do I get them to do a CT scan? Old photos also attached new photos are L & R