What I think will happen with the money: a very long but accurate theory.

They’re (and by that I mean Tophia who will loudly talk over her mom and make the final decision for her) gonna use as little money as possible to cremate him. No funeral in a church, no real service and no headstone. Tophia will do this as cheaply as possible to pocket everything else and they’ll stay homeless cause Tophia will blow it all and withhold it from her mom.

Marie will rack up a huge hopsital bill and when Tophia eventually starts going live again she’ll guilt people about her moms hospital bill and how they’re in debt now and remind us that her mom was in the hospital cause we wouldn’t give her money for a home as if her mothers health wasn’t shit to begin with.

She’ll tell us how cheap her brothers service was cause they didn’t have much money cause we didn’t help, she may even accuse his friends of not giving her that GFM money or keeping some solely cause they won’t want to come online and defend themselves.

She’ll say they’re still homeless and that it’s our fault for not giving her more money and that her brothers death wasn’t enough of a loss for us to want to help her. She’ll dodge any questions about the multiple GFMs. People will know how much was donated so they’ll know how much she probably pocketed and question where that went and she’ll say it’s not our business or accuse his friends of not giving her any of that money.

With her bother being gone she won’t care to lie about those guys cause she no longer needs anything from them once they give her that GFM money so if she lies on them, who cares? They were her brothers friends not hers and he’s gone so let’s burn another bridge. Or she’ll try and lie and say she spent all of it on her brothers funeral to explain why she’s broke again.

She will also mention that her mom was offered a nursing home room but “she said no” cause Tophia would be on her own. She’ll also mention a shelter but then say “they” said no cause they don’t want to live in a homeless shelter, as if anyone does, and they’re gonna get a place soon so back on the street dry begging they go. She’ll accuse the internet of being cruel for telling her how selfish that is to deny her mom a safe place to go where she’ll be taken care of.

She’ll also mention how bad her mom’s wound was and how much effort it takes to keep it clean and silently pat herself on the back cause she’s the one having to do it now that they’re homeless again which will only worry the internet who was already worried Marie would freeze to death in the car, now she’s at risk of an infection cause Tophia doesn’t wash her hands!

She’ll constantly bring up her mom’s wound like it’s her wound to talk about. And she’ll continue to push the narrative that had WE given her enough money for a home along time ago her family could’ve never been a victim of being in the wrong place wrong time. She’ll bring up her brothers death in every live stream cause she’s hoping kind people will feel bad and send her money before looking into who they’re sending money too.

She’ll also bring up her severely ill father who she claims to love but at no point has she tried to find him or help him. She had no problem using his checks for bills and makeup kits while he was in jail but now that he’s out and could use his family around him he’s just someone she mentions in passing but has no interest in caring for.

Oh, and she’ll bring us her dead sister again as if she knew her. That’s Marie’s trauma not hers but saying she has two dead siblings pulls more sympathy!

She’s also gonna mention how broke they are cause her brother was the only one with a constant income. Prior to his death she had no problem discrediting how much he contributed to what little they had but now that he’s gone she’s gonna give him his flowers so she can add to her very long victim card. Saved you from an hour and a half rant from Tophia hiding behind a gingerbread man filter!