Wednesday and Tyler's kiss scene from the novelization
"Tyler steps in closer. I look up, moving closer to him, wanting to do it right. To have the full experience. His expression is eager. It looks familiar in a way I can't quite pinpoint.
Finally, I cross the uncrossable line, pressing my lips against his. They're soft. Responsive. I pull away, looking at him, at the wonder in his eyes.
I know I have my data now. That there's no need for further testing. But the fizzing-soda-can feeling I had during our date is back. The feeling that I'm close to something that's always been just out of reach.
I kiss him again, more eagerly this time, chasing the feeling. My favorite feeling.
As we kiss, deeper this time, electricity takes root at a point in my spine and begins to radiate upward. This is how they described it, right? Sparks? Fireworks?.."
I haven't read the book in its entirety, I don't even know if I will, maybe later. But I've skimmed through the episodes of Weyler and I'm little unhappy with them. However, this quote made me shine. It's probably the only one that corresponds to the canonical series. So, damn, she says here that she first kissed him out of curiosity and as an experiment (or maybe she wants to convince herself of this).
And then there was no need to continue the experiment, but she kisses him further, surrendering to feelings - her favorite feelings! Whaaaat?!
So who else is going to say that she didn't feel anything for him?? If everything was that simple between them, a peck on the lips would be enough. But...
A lot of people say, "Oh, come on. They only kissed once and it doesn't mean anything".
Seriously? Do people feel "electricity running through their bodies" every time they kiss someone who doesn't matter? No matter how great any kiss is, if it's with the right person, and especially if it's mutual, that's when you'll feel everything that Wednesday felt during her first kiss with Tyler. That's just my opinion.
And so I wonder if that's really going to be ignored when they talk about "a show without romance"? Or is that some kind of trick?
Is it possible to forget this? I feel like they're trying to deceive me a little, but I agree with it, lol
Damn, their story is currently open-ended. Not everything is finished and not everything is explained.
I feel like Weyler has to go through seven circles of hell before they comes to an agreement, but I want to see it and I'll wait as long as it takes.
P.S. Immediately after the kiss there is a vision that we know about. But the very fact of her thoughts during the kiss...