What about him: Chapter 1
WAH x 1: Treacherous Heart!
Hi to all my Twistinians, welcome to the first chapter of this book👍🏼
Internal monologues are conveyed in bold while I shall write some parts in italics when it has to do with flashbacks, so no to confuse you all.
~Wednesday’s PoV~ It’s been a month since Tyler or rather Hyde has disappeared.
Shockingly enough he didn’t kill any of the police officers, just knocked them out…after knowing his gruesome deeds I expected more.
I wanted him to do more, come for me, kill me, end it for once and for all.
In moments of solitude I do like to replay his words he said to me whilst at the police station.
His words of betrayal then him acting on it all, making me hate everything. about the feelings that I may still be holding for him, when I know I shouldn’t. My heart needs to learn that and go back to its prior self.
I’ve made a decision of never letting anyone else play with my heart, I shall never become my mother.
My phone vibrates, I snap out of my musings and check to see who has written to me, unfortunately it’s not my stalker but Xavier.
Involuntarily I roll my eyes as I’m still not very fond of him yet I open the message and begin to read it.
“Hey Wednesday,
I’m wanting to meet up with you, as you know what I feel about you and I’m sure you feel the same way about me.”
See you soon,
Xavier <3”
He doesn't get it, does he? I’m not interested! My black heart yells in frustration.
The only thing I do is to ignore his message.
My phone begins to vibrate again, but this time it’s ringing continuously I’m thinking of throwing that slave driving thing away. I look at the screen seeing that Enid is calling me.
I reluctantly receive the call and she begins to invite me to her home in San Francisco. And hangs up before letting me speak.
I make my way to my parents bedroom, knock on the door and tell my mother, “Enid invited me to go to her place this weekend, is it okay if I go?”
“Sure sweety, where does she live?” Mother curiously asks me and I tell her about where my roommate from Nevermore lives.
“That’s fine, Lurch can drop you there,” she says with a small smile, “it’s good for you to get out of the house, meet your friends and forget about everything that happened.”
I nod, agreeing with her but my stomach drops when I begin to think about that green eyed, light brown haired guy with that annoying yet charming smile who fooled me.
Mother looks at me asking me, “are you alright, honey?”
“Fine,” I say in a monotonous way to make her stop asking me such questions.
So I walk into my room and begin to write a new chapter of my new novel about the female protagonist deciding not to fall in love ever again after she kills her lover. Because that is what I’m going to do if I see him ever again.
I write and write yet I do not seem to be able to write what I have been planning to, when my phone gives off a different kind of vibration and I obviously know it’s my stalker this time.
I smirk as I open to read their message,
“Itsy bitsy spider, Do you miss him so much that you cannot even murder him in your novel?
That’s so sad, isn’t it?”
I glare at the message and am trying to find out how they know what I have been writing about.
Whoever they are, they’re going to pay for harassing me. I smirk as I plan on how to uncover them.
“Dinner’s ready,” Mom yells from downstairs. So I walk downstairs to the dining room.
“Ahh, my Stormy Cloud, it's always lovely to see you,” my father says as if he hasn’t seen me in weeks.
I know he is trying to make me feel better but I know I need to stay heartless this time around.
No one can melt my icy heart, not even him!
Yet he holds a power over me that no one ever had! My heart exclaims by thumping even louder than before.
Shut it heart, he betrayed us and yet you still care for him, why? My mind asks my heart, not understanding yet I do very well. Treacherous Heart!
Dinner thankfully is a silent affair. So I quickly eat my food and then excuse myself to go to bed. Because I hate the way they look at me with pity and other emotions I cannot decipher.
As I go into my room, I do my necessary steps to prepare myself for a long night.
I lie down on my bed, feeling like I’m going back into the past, remembering the first meeting with him and how helpful he pretended to be or was that his real self?
With the thoughts about him, I lull myself to fall asleep.
The days pass uneventfully until it’s Friday evening, packing a suitcase of mine as I’m going to Enids and just now I found out that she has invited Eugene, Bianca, Yoko, Ajax, Lukas and Xavier for the two days of sleepover at hers.
I groan, realising that Xaviar is going to annoy the hell out of me. Most probably all of them are going to tell me to give that nincompoop a chance, no thank you! I’d rather kill myself then going out with that weirdo.
As soon as I’ve packed my things, I go downstairs with the suitcase, say my goodbyes to my family and Lurch takes my luggage. Thing is accompanying me, so that I do not feel out of place in Enid's colourful place.
I would never thank him for that though, because that is just not me.
I open the door of the car, sit behind the driver as Thing joins me, and as soon as Lurch begins to drive, I see something or someone speeding past us, I’m sure it was my stalker!
I keep looking out of the window in hope to see the stalker again, when my phone pings indicating that they must have sent something to me.
“Not so fast Addams,
You shall never find me, so stop looking out of the window in the car you are currently seated in or else things won’t end well for you!”
The nerve of them, I write back telling them that they can keep their threats to themselves as I’m not scared of slitting their throat.
Anger flares up in me, I take deep breaths, so I do not realise that I had fallen asleep until Thing shakes me awake.
Yet when I wake up, I remember my dream as clearly as the night, the date he and I went on and in the end he kills me off after watching the horrifying movie.
Thing then asks me something.
I tell him there is nothing to worry about, that I’m fine even if it’s a lie.
I look around my surroundings, notice that Lurch is not driving anymore, so that means that we have reached our destination.
I do something I would never do and thank Lurch for safely getting me as well as Thing here.
I knock on the door, soon Enid opens it, greets us by hugging me. I slightly smile, but in a way no one would notice, the rest then comes to greet me as well.
“Umm, can I talk to you, Wednesday?” Xavier asks, looking at me in a hopeful way.
“There is no need to talk about anything as the answer to your unspoken question is a no!”
“But…” he begins to say when I harshly cut him off.
“I don’t like you that way Xavier, I see you more like a brother than whatever you were hoping it to be!”
“It’s him, isn’t it?” He asks and I can decipher a hint of sadness in him as I say nothing, because sometimes silence speaks louder than action.
“Even if I hate to admit it, yes, but I can assure you all that I’m working on it.”
“How?” Bianca asks as she had been a silent spectator before.
“I don’t know yet,” I gloomily reply back, they nod yet do not seem to be happy about it especially Enid.
The rest of the night we just watch a movie and do not talk about my plight! ~End of her PoV~
~AN~ I know it’s boring, so no worries I just wanted to show how Wednesday feels after Tyler’s disappearance.
The question is though, has she closed the door on love forever or is she hoping for Tyler to change? ~End of AN~
Disclaimer: This my story and not yours, so I do not appreciate anyone copying or pasting this anywhere without my consent!