In season 2 Wednesday will be true to herself and not try to please people

Lately, I’ve noticed that everyone wants to make Tyler truly hated—because of what he did, because of who he is, and for a bunch of other reasons. He is hated by fans of other ships because he threatens their fanfictions.

Previously, Hyde was an outcast in the world of Nevermore, hated by default as an uncontrollable and unpredictable monster. And now, the outcasts hate him because he wanted their destruction. The residents of the town, along with all his friends and acquaintances, will turn away from him because he is seen as a psycho killer.

But, friends, there’s a big "but"! Jenna said that Wednesday will not try to please people - she will stay true to herself in season 2!

What could this mean for Weyler? At a time when fans are almost forcing her to become a Wenclair and hate Tyler, she will remain true to herself and stand by his side - just as she has been since the very beginning of the series, no matter what - That's what I think about it!

That means she could help him fight his inner demons and seek justice for him, just as she would for any outcast. Besides Tyler himself, Wednesday is the only one who can stand by him. Let him truly understand and appreciate that this time🙏🏻

Yes, yes, let’s keep building our theories! A little positive vibes for Weyler fans🖤

P.s. This is just my opinion that just came to me and I'm sharing it with you🖤

And a little edit with Tyler for you 🖤