Is here any grappler on Earth who could've grapple with Hafthor Bjornsson and win 5/10?
We all know that Hafthor Bjornsson is an ultimate unit with incredible strength (he is one of the world's strongest men with a legitimate feats of strength, recorded and confirmed by multiple official sources and witnesses). He's 6'9" (205 cm) tall and weigh around 400 lbs (~181 kg). He also has some basic boxing skills as well.
However, let's put him against a grappler in a grappling match (with gi or without the gi, doesn't matter), where strikes and kicks are prohibited.
Question – is here any grappler on Earth who could have grapple with Hafthor Bjornsson and won 5/10 (which means that it could go either way, or 50/50)? Could the grappler find a way to overcome such a tremendous strength and size advantage?