Mom guilt over rushed mornings and evenings

Just feeling a lot of mom guilt recently. I have a 2.5 year old who’s been in daycare and a 5 month old who just started. Our morning commute is 30 minutes minimum to daycare and then another 15 to work. I feel awful rushing in the mornings. It’s a full hour by the time I leave the house, drop the kids off at daycare, rush to park at work and then walk to my desk. 90% of the time I’m late to my morning meeting but it’s just impossible to make most days.

By the time we get home we have less than 2 hours until bath time and bed time routine.

I feel like I barely see the kids during the week. I’ve been debating looking for a remote position so then only my husband would need to rush out of the house in the morning.

No real point to this post other than feeling defeated each morning.