Bullies are All the Same
Bullies view everything as a competition. They are insecure, hyper-defensive, extremely reactive, selfish, greedy, superficial, and jealous.
They view everything as a zero-sum game. In their mind, when someone else is 'winning', then they must be 'losing'.
They work to destroy the target's reputation from day one. They're determined to poison the well from the start. They abuse their long-term relationship with managers and coworkers to slander the target, paint them as incompetent, and deem them a 'bad fit' for the organization.
They intentionally sabotage, they are extremely controlling, they stalk their targets, and they spend the majority of the day gossiping nastily about people.
The sickest part is how they smile in your face, act fake 'nice', and pretend to be your friend. All while slandering you, lying about you. This is why they assume your kindness is 'fake' and disingenuous. It's pure projection. Since they would never do anything nice without an ulterior motive, they assume the same about you.
It's just bizarre how so many people side with the bully, pity them, or view them as a 'good' person. After witnessing them bully, harass, and gossip about countless victims. And they always seem to lack any remorse for their actions. They feel justified. Getting someone to quit is a "win" in their sad, pathetic lives. This office job is all they have in life. They live for attention in the workplace, and they refuse to let anyone "steal" this away from them.
But targets quit because they do not want to 'fight" with a bully or fester in a toxic cesspit. They are not interested in 'winning' or 'losing' - they just want to come to work and do their job. The longer the bully sticks around, the sicker the environment becomes. As all the healthy targets leave or get bullied out. And only enablers and fellow bullies remain.